Drama ensues as a single mother, who had been in a 10-year-long relationship with her partner Chris, proposes marriage to him on his birthday with the help of her children.

In a video making the rounds on social media, the single mother and her partner, Chris were seen wearing matching shirts with “King” and “Queen” inscriptions, respectively.

Single mother of two proposes to man with help of children, this happened...

The children’s shirts, when aligned, formed a message that read, “Uncle Chris, A.K.A Dad, will you marry mummy?”

Unfortunately, the outcome did not seem to be favourable as Chris’s response appeared less enthusiastic. He shook his head, averted his gaze, and scratched his head.

The woman, however, was unbothered by the awkward reaction and proceeded to express her feelings for him, mentioning their shared child, their ten-year journey together, and her deep love for him.

Throughout her speech, she held a ring in her hand while being cheered by her friends and family who gathered at the party.

“I want to know if he’ll spend the rest of his life with me,” she said.

After the single mother expressed her feelings, the man struggled to maintain eye contact and continued to scratch his head without responding.

Eventually, he stated, “As an African man, I have to do it the proper way.”

When the guests urged him to kiss her, he declined, shook his head, and remarked, “My whole mouth is, it’s…”

Throughout the video’s duration, he did not kiss her or offer a clear response to her proposal.

Watch the video below …

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