African passports are known for being notoriously weak, but five stand out.

The reigning champion for three years straight! This island paradise prioritises travel opportunities, securing visa-free access to numerous European and Chinese destinations. (Global Rank: 26, Visa-Free Score: 156)

The Mauritius passport got strong through trade and investment initiatives. Citizens enjoy seamless travel and business in Commonwealth countries, making them ideal for both tourists and professionals. (Global Rank: 30; Visa-Free Score: 150)

Africa’s economic powerhouse retains its top-3 spot. South Africa’s growing market status translates to favourable travel deals across Asia, America, and Russia. (Global Rank: 53, Visa-Free Score: 108)

Botswana’s passport power surpasses expectations. Joining the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) grants visa-free entry to 20 member countries, boosting travel ease for its citizens. (Global Rank: 59, Visa-Free Score: 91)

Namibia simplifies travel for its citizens with visa-free entry to many African countries due to its trading partnership. It has both regional and international access. (Global Rank: 65, Visa-Free Score: 80)

While the Nigerian passport has secured visa-free access to 11 additional destinations since 2006, its global ranking has fallen 38 places, currently sitting at 95th. Within Africa, it holds the 34th position. This means that the Nigerian passport is not that powerful.

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