But what happens when that spark fades away?

It can be hard to notice, especially because it doesn’t always happen all at once. Sometimes, it’s a slow change that can be easy to miss. But, if you pay attention, there are some subtle signs that might tell you that you’re not feeling the same way about your partner anymore.

When you’re no longer sexually attracted to someone, it can feel confusing and maybe even a little scary. You might wonder if something is wrong with you or your relationship. You might even feel guilty. But it doesn’t always mean the relationship is over. Sometimes, people just change, and their feelings change too.

Once you understand what’s happening, you can figure out what to do next. Whether it’s working on the relationship, talking to your partner, or even deciding to move on, knowing the signs can help you make the right choice.

Here are seven subtle signs that might mean you’re not sexually attracted to your partner anymore:

Do you find yourself coming up with excuses to avoid sex or other intimate moments? Maybe you’re too tired, too busy, or just not in the mood. If this happens often, it could be a sign that you’re not as attracted to your partner as you once were.

It’s normal to find other people attractive from time to time. But if you’re always looking at other people and comparing them to your partner, it might mean something more. You might be searching for what you feel is missing in your current relationship.

Spending time alone with your partner should be fun and something to look forward to. But if you find yourself dreading it or feeling bored, this could be a sign that you’re not as into your partner as before.

When you’re attracted to someone, you tend to overlook their flaws. But if you’re starting to focus more on what you don’t like about your partner, it could be because your feelings are changing.

Eye contact is a powerful way of connecting with someone, especially in romantic relationships. If you find that you’re avoiding eye contact with your partner, it might be because you’re not feeling as connected or attracted to them anymore.

Sometimes, it’s just a feeling that something isn’t right. You might not be able to put your finger on it, but you know that things aren’t the same as they used to be. If this feeling doesn’t go away, you need to figure out what’s really going on.

Recognising these signs may not mean your relationship is doomed. But be honest with yourself about your feelings. This way, you can take the steps you need to either rekindle the attraction or have an open conversation with your partner about what’s next for both of you.

This content was created with the help of an AI model and verified by the writer.

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