Constantly calling or texting her can be overwhelming and show a lack of respect for her space. While communication is key, excessive contact can come off as needy or controlling, making you less appealing.

If you’re always on the receiving end of her generosity without reciprocating, it can make her feel unappreciated and used. Relationships are about balance, so make sure you’re giving back as much as you receive to maintain her interest.

If you’re constantly asking her to come over to your place without making an effort to go to hers or meet in neutral spaces, it may signal that you’re only interested in convenience or intimacy. Show her you value spending time together by putting in the effort to plan outings or meet on her terms.

Inconsistency is a major turnoff. Whether it’s being hot and cold, not following through on plans, or giving mixed signals, it can lead to confusion and frustration. Women value reliability and stability, so if you want to keep her interested, be consistent in your actions and words.

If you find yourself guilty of any of these behaviours, it’s time to reevaluate and make positive changes to keep the attraction strong and the connection genuine.

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