PROCESSES Archives - World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology Sat, 13 Jan 2024 18:59:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 PROCESSES Archives - World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology 32 32 213894740 COOP-Été -Implantation rapide de nouveaux processus et outils informatiques /Summer COOP- Implement and manage new processes and IT tools Sat, 13 Jan 2024 18:59:13 +0000 Job title: COOP-Été -Implantation rapide de nouveaux processus et outils informatiques /Summer COOP- Implement and manage new processes and IT tools Company: Raytheon Technologies Job description: Date Posted: 2023-12-18 Country: Canada Location: LOC13060 7007 Chemin De La Savane,Saint-Hubert,Quebec,J3Y 8Y9,Canada Position Role Type: Unspecified Qui sommes-nous? Chez Pratt & Whitney, nous croyons que le vol motorisé [...]

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Job title: COOP-Été -Implantation rapide de nouveaux processus et outils informatiques /Summer COOP- Implement and manage new processes and IT tools

Company: Raytheon Technologies

Job description: Date Posted: 2023-12-18

Country: Canada

Location: LOC13060 7007 Chemin De La Savane,Saint-Hubert,Quebec,J3Y 8Y9,Canada

Position Role Type: Unspecified

Qui sommes-nous?

Chez Pratt & Whitney, nous croyons que le vol motorisé a transformé et continuera de transformer le monde. C’est pourquoi nous travaillons avec le cœur d’un explorateur et le cran d’un perfectionniste pour concevoir, construire et entretenir les moteurs d’avion les plus perfectionnés au monde. Nous le faisons dans le cadre d’un portefeuille diversifié comprenant les moteurs commerciaux, les moteurs militaires, l’aviation d’affaires, l’aviation générale, l’aviation régionale et l’aviation d’hélicoptère, afin de transformer les possibilités en réalités pour nos clients. C’est ainsi que nous abordons notre travail chez Pratt & Whitney, et c’est pourquoi nous sommes inspirés à nous dépasser.

Que vous soyez actuellement aux études mi/fin baccalauréat ou à la maîtrise, nous pouvons vous aider à exploiter votre potentiel, à améliorer vos compétences et à faire de l’impossible une réalité. Si vous êtes présentement inscrit dans une université canadienne, c’est le moment d’entamer un parcours professionnel susceptible d’avoir un impact et de favoriser l’innovation pour les générations à venir.

Chez Pratt & Whitney, la différence que vous faites est visible chaque jour. Il suffit de lever les yeux. Êtes-vous prêt (e) à vous dépasser ?

Dates du stage : 6 mai au 23 août 2024

Emplacement :

Consultez notre chaîne YouTube :

Notre site web :

Description de l’environnement de travail

Hybride : Veuillez noter que ce stage est hybride et que vous devrez être sur place jusqu’à 3 jours par semaine. Les rôles hybrides exigent que vous résidiez dans la province du rôle pour lequel vous avez postulé.

Nos attentes :

L’équipe de Sales Operations Inventory Planning (SIOP) est à la recherche d’une personne dynamique, créative et organisée qui souhaite contribuer à l’atteinte des objectifs d’affaires. Vos idées sont les bienvenus et nous comptons sur vous pour nous aider à franchir une nouvelle étape. Vous ferez partie d’une équipe performante qui traite avec des entreprises du monde entier. Avez-vous envie de relever le défi?

À quoi ressemblera votre travail quotidien :

  • À partir de données existantes, le candidat aura l’opportunité de créer des bases de données ainsi que des outils pour les usagers.
  • Les livrables comprendront des éléments de technologies de l’information et des programmes informatiques (construit sur MS Office ou autres) facilitant la productivité et la prise de décision.
  • La connaissance de Visual Basic est un atout.
  • Le candidat pourra donner la formation aux employés concernés par les nouveaux outils et processus tout en s’assurant d’une bonne documentation des outils informatiques.

Ce dont vous avez besoin pour réussir :

Les incontournables :

Avoir le droit de travailler au Canada; * Être inscrit dans une université canadienne pendant votre stage;

  • Être en mesure de travailler sur place dans la province où vous êtes embauché
  • Diplôme en cours d’obtention dans un domaine pertinent programmation informatique

Atouts :

  • Excellentes habiletés interpersonnelles et de communication (anglais verbal et écrit)
  • ​Excellentes connaissances informatiques (PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Access, etc.)
  • Esprit d’équipe
  • Bonne communication
  • Reponsable

Diversité, équité et inclusion

Le pronom masculin est utilisé sans discrimination et uniquement dans le but de faciliter la lecture du texte. P&WC est un employeur qui souscrit au principe de l’égalité des chances et qui cherche à promouvoir la diversité et l’inclusion. Nous examinerons les candidatures de tous les candidats qualifiés, indépendamment de leur race, de leur couleur, de leur religion, de leur orientation sexuelle, de leur sexe, de leur nationalité, de leur âge, de leur handicap, de leur statut d’ancien combattant ou de tout autre statut protégé par la loi.

Veuillez noter que des licences, des permis, des certifications ou d’autres types d’autorisations pourraient être nécessaires si le poste requiert l’accès à des données contrôlées ou à des données soumises à une règle ou à un règlement applicable.

Who we are:

At Pratt & Whitney, we believe that powered flight has transformed and will continue to transform the world. That’s why we work with an explorer’s heart and a perfectionist’s grit to design, build, and service world’s most advanced aircraft engines. We do this across a diverse portfolio including Commercial Engines, Military Engines, Business Aviation, General Aviation, Regional Aviation, and Helicopter Aviation and as a way of turning possibilities into realities for our customers. This is how we at Pratt & Whitney approach our work, and this is why we are inspired to go beyond.

Whether you are currently pursuing a CEGEP diploma, a bachelor’s or master’s degree, we can help you harness your potential, advance your skills and make the impossible a reality. If you are currently enrolled in a Canadian university, now is the moment to start a career path that can drive impact and innovation for generations to come.

At Pratt & Whitney, the difference you make is on display every day. Just look up. Are you ready to go beyond?

Internship dates: May 6th to August 23rd 2024

Check out our YouTube channel:

Our website:

Work Environment

Hybrid: Please note that this internship is hybrid requiring you to be on-site for up to 3 days per week. Hybrid roles require you to reside in the province of the role that you have applied for.

Our expectations:

The Sales Operation Inventory Planning (SIOP) team is looking for a dynamic person, a person that will take initiative in order to help meet P&WC business objectives. You will be part of a performant team which deals with businesses around the world. Your ideas are welcome and we count on you to reach another step forward. Do you want to come on board and take up the challenges?

What your day to day will look like:

From existing data, the candidate will have the opportunity to create tools and system programs (using MS office and/or other). Deliverables encompass information technologies/programs that allow users to be more efficient and make better decisions. Visual Basic knowledge is an asset. The candidate might have to give training to required employees and will document the new tools and processes.

What you need to be successful:

Must haves:

  • Be eligible to work in Canada;
  • Be enrolled in a Canadian university throughout your internship;
  • Be able to work on-site in the province where you are hired
  • Pursuing a degree in a relevant field in computer programming


  • Solid computer skills (PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Access, etc.)
  • Strong people and communication skills (English – oral and written)
  • Team player
  • Good communicator
  • Take ownership

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The masculine pronoun is used without discrimination and solely for the purpose of making the text easier to read. P&WC is an equal opportunities employer, seeking to promote diversity and inclusion. We will consider applications from all qualified candidates, regardless of their race, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, age, disability, veteran status or any other status protected by law.

Please note that licenses, permits, certifications or other types or authorizations could be required if the position requires access to controlled data or data subject to any applicable rule or regulation.

RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class.

Privacy Policy and Terms:

Click on this to read the Policy and Terms

Expected salary:

Location: Saint-Hubert, QC

Job date: Sat, 23 Dec 2023 01:33:16 GMT

Apply for the job now!

The post COOP-Été -Implantation rapide de nouveaux processus et outils informatiques /Summer COOP- Implement and manage new processes and IT tools appeared first on World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology.

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SR WMS Solution Architect to act as a lead for their business challenges related to systems, applications and infrastructure processes Fri, 22 Dec 2023 23:58:46 +0000 Job title: SR WMS Solution Architect to act as a lead for their business challenges related to systems, applications and infrastructure processes Company: S.i. Systems Job description: Canadian federal, provincial, municipal government, or similar work. Experience ensuring successful and sustainable delivery…. Actively contribute to architecture boards and participate in the continuous improvement of our architectural [...]

The post SR WMS Solution Architect to act as a lead for their business challenges related to systems, applications and infrastructure processes appeared first on World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology.

Job title: SR WMS Solution Architect to act as a lead for their business challenges related to systems, applications and infrastructure processes

Company: S.i. Systems

Job description: Canadian federal, provincial, municipal government, or similar work. Experience ensuring successful and sustainable delivery…. Actively contribute to architecture boards and participate in the continuous improvement of our architectural practices. Work…

Expected salary:

Location: Canada

Job date: Thu, 07 Dec 2023 03:28:44 GMT

Apply for the job now!

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Senior Secret cleared IT Security TRA and C&A Analyst to review, analyze, and apply GC IT Security policies, SA&A processes and risk mitigation strategies Wed, 20 Dec 2023 22:07:58 +0000 Job title: Senior Secret cleared IT Security TRA and C&A Analyst to review, analyze, and apply GC IT Security policies, SA&A processes and risk mitigation strategies Company: S.i. Systems Job description: Our valued Public sector client is in need of a Senior IT Security TRA and C&A Analyst to review, analyze, and apply GC IT [...]

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Job title: Senior Secret cleared IT Security TRA and C&A Analyst to review, analyze, and apply GC IT Security policies, SA&A processes and risk mitigation strategies

Company: S.i. Systems

Job description: Our valued Public sector client is in need of a Senior IT Security TRA and C&A Analyst to review, analyze, and apply GC IT Security policies, SA&A processes and risk mitigation strategies.

Provide services to assess and analyze risks and develop Statements of Sensitivity (SOS) and Threat and Risk Assessments (TRA) as required for Cyber Security and Identity Management (CSIM) to perform Security Assessment and Authorization (SA&A) for current and future computing initiatives.

We are looking for someone with the following, but not limited to, experience:

  • 10 years as a IT Security TRA and C&A Analyst
  • Experience developing any one (1) or more of the following types of reports for a Canadian Public sector client:
  • data security analysis
  • Concept of operations
  • Statement of Sensitivity (SoS)
  • Threat and Risk Assessment (TRA)
  • Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Risk assessment.
  • Experience identifying and modelling threats that pose a risk to a client’s systems and data and applying safeguards according to these threats during system design
  • Experience creating complete Security Control Profiles by performing all of the following tasks to ensure that the solution architecture and its supporting processes and policies are assessed completely:
  • Identifying the scope of the project.
  • Establishing the set of security architecture components.
  • Crafting a control profile on a per-component basis where one control may apply differently to each component, requiring separate evidence.
  • Providing documented guidance as to acceptable evidence per control per component.
  • Experience verifying that security safeguards for IT systems and infrastructure meet Government of Canada policies and standards and have been implemented correctly to meet assurance requirements
  • Experience providing guidance to their client concerning the mitigation of security risks within the Public Cloud environment
  • Two valid certifications from the following list:
  • CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) from International Info System Security Certification Consortium Inc. (ISC)2
  • CCSP (Certified Cloud Security Professional) from (ISC)²)
  • CISSP / ISSEP (advanced specialty Information Systems Security Engineering Professional) from (ISC)2
  • CISSP / ISSAP (advanced specialty information Systems Security Architecture Professional) from (ISC)2
  • CISSP / ISSMP (advanced specialty Information Systems Security Management Professional) from (ISC)2
  • CPP (Certified Protection Professional) from ASIS;
  • CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) from ISACA
  • CRISC (Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control) from ISACA;
  • CISM (Certified Information Security Manager) from ISACA
  • CBCP (Certified Business Continuity Professional) from DRI
  • Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (Cloud Security Alliance)

Expected salary:

Location: Ottawa, ON

Job date: Thu, 07 Dec 2023 08:52:25 GMT

Apply for the job now!

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POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE IN CHEMISTRY (FLOW PROCESSES) Thu, 30 Nov 2023 05:26:28 +0000 Job title: POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE IN CHEMISTRY (FLOW PROCESSES) Company: University of Liverpool Job description: Thank you for your interest in job opportunities with the University of Liverpool. The pages in this section include… listings of current vacancies and a registration/log system for applicants. Please add… Expected salary: Location: Liverpool Job date: Fri, 03 [...]

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Company: University of Liverpool

Job description: Thank you for your interest in job opportunities with the University of Liverpool. The pages in this section include… listings of current vacancies and a registration/log system for applicants. Please add

Expected salary:

Location: Liverpool

Job date: Fri, 03 Nov 2023 23:22:20 GMT

Apply for the job now!

The post POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE IN CHEMISTRY (FLOW PROCESSES) appeared first on World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology.

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