equipment Archives - World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology Fri, 05 Jan 2024 20:49:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 equipment Archives - World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology 32 32 213894740 Sales Executive (Equipment) Job at Ascentech Services Limited Fri, 05 Jan 2024 20:49:50 +0000 Job title: Sales Executive (Equipment) Job at Ascentech Services Limited Company: Job description: in Lagos, Nigeria. We are committed to forging long-term partnerships with our clients by creating and delivering robust…, Mechanical Engineering, Management Science, Social Science or other related courses 2-3 years of automobile equipment sales… Expected salary: Location: Port Harcourt, Rivers State Job [...]

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Job title: Sales Executive (Equipment) Job at Ascentech Services Limited


Job description: in Lagos, Nigeria. We are committed to forging long-term partnerships with our clients by creating and delivering robust…, Mechanical Engineering, Management Science, Social Science or other related courses 2-3 years of automobile equipment sales…

Expected salary:

Location: Port Harcourt, Rivers State

Job date: Sun, 17 Dec 2023 05:56:12 GMT

Apply for the job now!

The post Sales Executive (Equipment) Job at Ascentech Services Limited appeared first on World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology.

]]> 0 18809
Été-Stage – Élaboration de la stratégie de gouvernance des données de service et de l’équipement moteur /Summer-Internship – Engine Equipment and Service Data Mon, 01 Jan 2024 21:18:22 +0000 Job title: Été-Stage – Élaboration de la stratégie de gouvernance des données de service et de l’équipement moteur /Summer-Internship – Engine Equipment and Service Data Company: Raytheon Technologies Job description: Date Posted: 2023-12-13 Country: Canada Location: LOC13052 1000 Boul Marie Victorin,Longueuil,Quebec,J4G 1A1,Canada Position Role Type: Unspecified Rôle / title: Stage- Été – Élaboration de la [...]

The post Été-Stage – Élaboration de la stratégie de gouvernance des données de service et de l’équipement moteur /Summer-Internship – Engine Equipment and Service Data appeared first on World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology.


Job title: Été-Stage – Élaboration de la stratégie de gouvernance des données de service et de l’équipement moteur /Summer-Internship – Engine Equipment and Service Data

Company: Raytheon Technologies

Job description: Date Posted: 2023-12-13

Country: Canada

Location: LOC13052 1000 Boul Marie Victorin,Longueuil,Quebec,J4G 1A1,Canada

Position Role Type: Unspecified

  • Rôle / title: Stage- Été – Élaboration de la stratégie de gouvernance des données de service et de l’équipement moteur /Internship-Summer- Engine Equipment and Service Data Governance Strategy
  • Superviseur : Isabelle Smith / Illya Savin
  • Courriel du superviseur :

/ * Zone de sécurité : Jaune

  • Universités choisies: Concordia, McGill, HEC, UQAM
  • Souhaitez-vous que ce poste soit également affiché sur SPOT : OUI
  • Programmes d’études ciblés :
  • Analytique des données
  • Management des TI
  • Génie électrique
  • Génie mécanique
  • Génie informatique
  • Génie logiciel
  • Génie industriel
  • Génie aérospatial

Qui sommes-nous ?

Chez Pratt & Whitney, nous croyons que le vol motorisé a transformé et continuera de transformer le monde. C’est pourquoi nous travaillons avec le cœur d’un explorateur et le cran d’un perfectionniste pour concevoir, construire et entretenir les moteurs d’avion les plus perfectionnés au monde. Nous le faisons dans le cadre d’un portefeuille diversifié comprenant les moteurs commerciaux, les moteurs militaires, l’aviation d’affaires, l’aviation générale, l’aviation régionale et l’aviation d’hélicoptère, afin de transformer les possibilités en réalités pour nos clients. C’est ainsi que nous abordons notre travail chez Pratt & Whitney, et c’est pourquoi nous sommes inspirés à nous dépasser.

Que vous soyez actuellement aux études au baccalauréat (3eme ou 4eme année) ou à la maîtrise, nous pouvons vous aider à exploiter votre potentiel, à améliorer vos compétences et à faire de l’impossible une réalité. Si vous êtes présentement inscrit dans une université canadienne, c’est le moment d’entamer un parcours professionnel susceptible d’avoir un impact et de favoriser l’innovation pour les générations à venir.

Chez Pratt & Whitney, la différence que vous faites est visible chaque jour. Il suffit de lever les yeux. Êtes-vous prêt (e) à vous dépasser ?

Dates du stage : 6 mai au 23 août 2024

Emplacement : Longueuil, QC

Consultez notre chaîne YouTube :

Notre site web :

Nos attentes :

La gouvernance et l’alignement des données est la clé vers le succès de notre transformation digitale. Il est important de parler le même langage et d’utiliser le même alphabet lorsqu’il s’agit de données critiques.

Ce projet permettra à l’organisation de l’après-marché d’avoir une stratégie claire pour gérer, gouverner, nettoyer and maintenir les données de service et d’équipement. Ceci facilitera l’automatisation de nos processus d’affaires en incluant les contrôles au niveau des systèmes et ainsi d’éviter et d’éliminer le besoin d’intervenir de façon manuelle dans nos transactions et de maintenir nos données intègres.

Le projet nécessitera l’implication récurrente de toutes les parties prenantes utilisant les données de l’équipement, pour définir une stratégie de gouvernance de données commune. Le mandat du projet comprend aussi la définition des contrôles d’accès requis, l’élimination d’intervention manuelle dans nos transactions et le maintien de la qualité de données. Ensuite il faudra définir le plan d’action et l’opérationnaliser pour l’après-marché.

Si vous êtes un professionnel capable de travailler de manière assez autonome et que vous avez une volonté d’approfondir vos connaissances de la gestion des données, nous vous invitons à poser votre candidature.

À quoi ressemblera votre travail quotidien :

  • Formuler une stratégie détaillée pour la gestion des données liées aux services et aux équipements.
  • Assurer la coordination et le soutien aux producteurs de données afin de garantir une uniformité de langage parmi toutes les parties prenantes.
  • A travers les données, détecter les lacunes opérationnelles et présenter des solutions proactives pour les résoudre.
  • Collaboration étroite avec des équipes à travers le monde
  • Établir les mesures de sécurité requises pour les données et orchestrer la maintenance des systèmes.

Ce dont vous avez besoin pour réussir :

Les incontournables :

  • Être éligible à travailler au Canada.
  • Être inscrit dans une université canadienne pendant toute la durée de votre stage.
  • Bonne connaissance du français (parlé).
  • Bonne maitrise de l’anglais (écrit et parlé)

Atouts :

  • Sens de l’organisation et capacité à prioritiser ses tâches
  • Compétences en matière de gestion de projet
  • Dynamique et curieux
  • Compréhension générale de l’analyse de données
  • Connaissance de base de SAP

Environnement de travail

Quel est mon type de rôle :

Hybride – Virtuel et au bureau occasionnellement pour des ateliers (8h à 17h)

Diversité, équité et inclusion

Le pronom masculin est utilisé sans discrimination et uniquement dans le but de faciliter la lecture du texte. P&WC est un employeur qui souscrit au principe de l’égalité des chances et qui cherche à promouvoir la diversité et l’inclusion. Nous examinerons les candidatures de tous les candidats qualifiés, indépendamment de leur race, de leur couleur, de leur religion, de leur orientation sexuelle, de leur sexe, de leur nationalité, de leur âge, de leur handicap, de leur statut d’ancien combattant ou de tout autre statut protégé par la loi.

Veuillez noter que des licences, des permis, des certifications ou d’autres types d’autorisations pourraient être nécessaires si le poste requiert l’accès à des données contrôlées ou à des données soumises à une règle ou à un règlement applicable.


Who we are:

At Pratt & Whitney, we believe that powered flight has transformed and will continue to transform the world. That’s why we work with an explorer’s heart and a perfectionist’s grit to design, build, and service world’s most advanced aircraft engines. We do this across a diverse portfolio including Commercial Engines, Military Engines, Business Aviation, General Aviation, Regional Aviation, and Helicopter Aviation and as a way of turning possibilities into realities for our customers. This is how we at Pratt & Whitney approach our work, and this is why we are inspired to go beyond.

Whether you are currently pursuing a bachelor’s (3rd of 4th year) or master’s degree, we can help you harness your potential, advance your skills and make the impossible a reality. If you are currently enrolled in a Canadian university, now is the moment to start a career path that can drive impact and innovation for generations to come.

At Pratt & Whitney, the difference you make is on display every day. Just look up. Are you ready to go beyond?

Internship dates: May 6th to August 23rd, 2024

Location: Longueil

Check out our YouTube channel:

Our website:

Our expectations:

Data Governance and alignment is a key enabler for our Digital Transformation. It is important to speak the same language while dealing with critical data.

This project will enable the Aftermarket Organization to have a clear path towards how to manage, govern, clean, and sustain the service and equipment data, by creating a single data source. This will facilitate the automation of our processes by keeping the controls within our systems and avoiding manual transactions and maintenance.

The project consists in defining the strategy: plan, collect the information from the various stakeholders, creating instructions to maintain, defining the proper security to access, and executing the clean-up of this data with proper timeline. Once the strategy is defined, and all the stakeholder’s interests are aligned, the project scope also includes the implementation across the organization.

If you are a professional able to work quite independently, not afraid of new challenges, and seeking to deeper their knowledge in data management, we invite you to apply.

What your day to day will look like:

  • Develop and implement necessary security measures for data and orchestrate system maintenance.
  • Formulate a detailed strategy for managing data related to services and equipment.
  • Coordinate and support data producers to ensure consistent language across all stakeholders.
  • Utilize data to identify operational gaps and present proactive solutions for resolution.
  • Foster close collaboration with teams across the globe.

What you need to be successful:

Must haves:

Be eligible to work in Canada. Be enrolled in a Canadian university throughout your internship.

  • Good communication skills in French (spoken).
  • Good communications skills in English (spoken & written).


  • Organizational skills and ability to prioritize tasks.
  • Project management skills
  • Dynamic and curious
  • General understanding of data analytics
  • Basic knowledge of SAP

Work Environment

What my role type is:

Hybrid- Remote and occasional workshops in the office (8am to 5pm)

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The masculine pronoun is used without discrimination and solely for the purpose of making the text easier to read. P&WC is an equal opportunities employer, seeking to promote diversity and inclusion. We will consider applications from all qualified candidates, regardless of their race, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, age, disability, veteran status, or any other status protected by law.

Please note that licenses, permits, certifications or other types or authorizations could be required if the position requires access to controlled data or data subject to any applicable rule or regulation.

RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class.

Privacy Policy and Terms:

Click on this to read the Policy and Terms

Expected salary:

Location: Canada

Job date: Sat, 23 Dec 2023 02:32:12 GMT

Apply for the job now!

The post Été-Stage – Élaboration de la stratégie de gouvernance des données de service et de l’équipement moteur /Summer-Internship – Engine Equipment and Service Data appeared first on World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology.

]]> 0 18367
Technical Sales Manager | Labelling Equipment | UK – Field based | £40k – £50k + Bonus, OTE £70k+ Tue, 26 Dec 2023 10:20:47 +0000 Job title: Technical Sales Manager | Labelling Equipment | UK – Field based | £40k – £50k + Bonus, OTE £70k+ Company: Mercury Search and Selection Job description: will fit your skills perfectly! Technical Sales Manager | Labelling Equipment | UK – Field based | £40k – £50k + Bonus, OTE… and projects The ability [...]

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Job title: Technical Sales Manager | Labelling Equipment | UK – Field based | £40k – £50k + Bonus, OTE £70k+

Company: Mercury Search and Selection

Job description: will fit your skills perfectly! Technical Sales Manager | Labelling Equipment | UK – Field based | £40k – £50k + Bonus, OTE… and projects The ability to collaborate across internal and external teams Must be able to travel in and around UK

Expected salary: £40000 – 50000 per year

Location: United Kingdom

Job date: Sat, 18 Nov 2023 03:23:37 GMT

Apply for the job now!

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]]> 0 17616
Toolroom Equipment Specialist Sun, 19 Nov 2023 15:04:46 +0000 Job title: Toolroom Equipment Specialist Company: Vancouver Community College Job description: Position Details Position Information Posting Number 23AC0195 Title Toolroom Equipment Specialist Pclass # SS079 Job Summary Who We Are We acknowledge that Vancouver Community College (VCC) is located on the traditional unceded territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) peoples who [...]

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Job title: Toolroom Equipment Specialist

Company: Vancouver Community College

Job description: Position Details

Position Information

Posting Number 23AC0195

Title Toolroom Equipment Specialist

Pclass # SS079

Job Summary

Who We Are

We acknowledge that Vancouver Community College (VCC) is located on the traditional unceded territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) peoples who have been stewards of this land from time immemorial.

For over 55 years, VCC has been a leader in innovative, experiential post-secondary learning. We’re one of B.C’s top employers and we are proud to inspire students to discover their passions, gain essential skills, and learn what it takes to succeed in a competitive workforce.

At VCC, we respect and celebrate our differences, and are committed to the work of decolonization, accessibility, and inclusivity for all. Be a part of creating an inclusive community that provides equitable opportunities for Indigenous and diverse representation, participation, and success for everyone.

We value lived experience and encourage applications from members of all groups experiencing barriers to equity. Come join the VCC community as we shape the future together.

This position is responsible for monitoring, maintaining and ordering vehicle consumables, supplies and equipment; maintaining, calibrating and repairing tools and equipment; and maintaining data and records.

Job Duties/Responsibilities * Ensures an adequate supply of necessary shop supplies, equipment and tools utilized in the instructional process.

  • Monitors, maintains and reorders, as requested, vehicle consumables, supplies, tools and equipment. Ensures all equipment is accounted for.
  • Creates or arranges for Photo ID Tool Cards for Entry Level classes and creates temporary tool cards for Apprenticeship programs.
  • Identifies and calibrates torque wrenches and measuring tools.
  • Maintains, repairs and services a wide range of pneumatic, electrical and hydraulic tools and equipment according to established standards.
  • Ensures that all tools and equipment are in safe operating condition and arranges for major repairs of equipment as required.
  • Maintains and charges all batteries, including those for training aid vehicles, training aids, tools and equipment.
  • Maintains safety equipment and portable dust collector/air cleaners.
  • Maintains records for respirator fit testing of students and staff and filter changes for air fed masks.
  • Implements, administers and maintains tool room processes.
  • Responds to WCB and VCC safety inspections as requested by Health and Safety personnel.
  • Adheres to WHMIS Program guidelines and maintains MSDS labels.
  • Maintains the shop premises and assists other departments with tool room functions as requested.
  • May assist in the organization of Skills Canada competition.
  • May be required to organize and maintain materials and equipment for internal and external promotional events, information sessions, career fairs and departmental trips and participates where necessary.
  • May be required to participate in public relations and recruitment activities for the department, such as organizing tours of trades’ facilities.
  • Performs other related duties as required.


Education and Experience

  • Completion of Grade 12 plus additional specialized training of up to and including 1 year and over 2 years’ related experience or an equivalent combination of training and/or experience may be substituted for the required qualifications.
  • Automotive Service Technician: Formal training and education in automotive service technology and thorough knowledge of the operation, repair, and maintenance of automotive specialty tools and equipment as well as use of technical manuals.
  • Heavy Duty Commercial Transport: Formal education in diesel technology and thorough knowledge of the use and maintenance of all diesel technician tools and equipment.
  • Automotive Collision Repair: Formal education in Automotive Collison or Refinishing Program and thorough knowledge of the use and maintenance of all auto collision repair and refinishing tools and equipment.

Skills and Abilities

  • Proven interpersonal skills with the ability to work both independently and collaboratively as a member of a team. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with students, staff, faculty and vendors.
  • Good organizational and time management skills with a pro-active approach.
  • Effective oral and written communication skills.
  • Thorough knowledge of the use and maintenance of all applicable tools and equipment.
  • Clerical aptitude with the ability to maintain records.
  • Ability to withstand some exposure to dust and fumes related to automotive repairs.
  • Required to lift moderately heavy objects.

Salary Range – Prorated based on FTE

PAYGRADE 20 – $1747.66 – $2035.33 bi-weekly

Posting Detail Information

Employment Group Support Staff (CUPE)

Type of Position Term

Employment Type Full Time


Primary Location – This position may require you to work at all VCC locations. Broadway

Is this posting only for internal applicants? No

Desired Start Date – May be subject to change 11/06/2023

Position End Date – For Temporary Positions 12/21/2023

Vacation Blackout Dates

Number of Hours per Week 35

Work Schedule – Hours may vary according to the needs of the Department

Monday to Friday 8:00am to 3:30pm

Eligible for Fortnight No

Special Instructions to Applicant

Vancouver Community College is committed to maintaining a work force that represents the diverse community we serve and we encourage all qualified applicants.

Posting Open Date 11/07/2023

Posting Close Date 11/21/2023

Is this a pooled posting? No

Expected salary: $1747.66 – 2035.33 per month

Location: Canada

Job date: Thu, 09 Nov 2023 01:53:00 GMT

Apply for the job now!

The post Toolroom Equipment Specialist appeared first on World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology.

]]> 0 13287
Gardening Tools Household Planting Supplies Equipment Garden Shovel for Gardening Digging Aerating Loosening Soil Transplanting Thu, 16 Nov 2023 21:40:39 +0000 Price: Description: leaf shovel digging small shovel planting tools household. Wide range of uses: horticultural planting / succulent flower cultivation /find vegetables / catching the sea for leisure. Material: The edge is made of manganese steel, which is strong and durable without curling, finely ground, double sided cutting edge. Nail hole: Nail hole design, replaceable [...]

The post Gardening Tools Household Planting Supplies Equipment Garden Shovel for Gardening Digging Aerating Loosening Soil Transplanting appeared first on World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology.


Price: 5.89 - 0.99


leaf shovel digging small shovel planting tools household.

Wide range of uses: horticultural planting / succulent flower cultivation /find vegetables / catching the sea for leisure.

Material: The edge is made of manganese steel, which is strong and durable without curling, finely ground, double sided cutting edge.

Nail hole: Nail hole design, replaceable handle, firm welding, not easy to fall off.

There are no edges on the sides of the shovel


Material: Iron

Size Chart:

as described

Package Includes:

1 Piece Garden Small Point Shovel 


1. Please allow slightly error due to manual measurement.
2. Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item.
3. Wish you a wonderful on line shopping!

Gardening Tools Household Planting Supplies Equipment Garden Shovel for Gardening Digging Aerating Loosening Soil Transplanting

Gardening Tools Household Planting Supplies Equipment Garden Shovel for Gardening Digging Aerating Loosening Soil Transplanting

Gardening Tools Household Planting Supplies Equipment Garden Shovel for Gardening Digging Aerating Loosening Soil Transplanting

Gardening Tools Household Planting Supplies Equipment Garden Shovel for Gardening Digging Aerating Loosening Soil Transplanting

Gardening Tools Household Planting Supplies Equipment Garden Shovel for Gardening Digging Aerating Loosening Soil Transplanting

Gardening Tools Household Planting Supplies Equipment Garden Shovel for Gardening Digging Aerating Loosening Soil Transplanting

The post Gardening Tools Household Planting Supplies Equipment Garden Shovel for Gardening Digging Aerating Loosening Soil Transplanting appeared first on World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology.

]]> 0 11948
4 in 1 Body Machine Professional Beauty Equipment Body Sculpting Machine Fit for Home Salon Face, Arm, Waist, Belly, Leg Thu, 16 Nov 2023 18:06:25 +0000 Price: Widey UseThis machine comes with 1 Main Device, 4 handles, which acts on for different body parts Easy to Use The operation panel is simple, and the handle is carefully developed, which conforms to the ergonomic structure and is easy to use. Warm TipsWe recommend using the machine once or twice a week, and [...]

The post 4 in 1 Body Machine Professional Beauty Equipment Body Sculpting Machine Fit for Home Salon Face, Arm, Waist, Belly, Leg appeared first on World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology.


Price: 127.33

Widey UseThis machine comes with 1 Main Device, 4 handles, which acts on for different body parts

Easy to Use The operation panel is simple, and the handle is carefully developed, which conforms to the ergonomic structure and is easy to use.

Warm TipsWe recommend using the machine once or twice a week, and no more than 15 to 20 minutes each time, Better use with the gel, (This product does not contain gel)

best giftThis Machine Adjustable intensity to meet your demand. enough to fit on a dresser, A best gift for those who pursue pretty.

Quality Assurance- We promise you 100% quality and satisfactory service. Quality assurance and money-back guarantee allow you to buy with confidence.

The post 4 in 1 Body Machine Professional Beauty Equipment Body Sculpting Machine Fit for Home Salon Face, Arm, Waist, Belly, Leg appeared first on World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology.

]]> 0 11841
Oxgen Facial Machine Hyperbaric Spray Oxygen Facial Mask Dome Therapy Moisturizing Skin Rejuvenation SPA Beauty Equipment Wed, 15 Nov 2023 20:17:40 +0000 Price: Introduction Oxygen facial machine is used for oxygen facials and body treatments. It is compact and portable, it hosts a powerful oxygen concentrator, able to deliver 96% pure oxygen. It comes with airbrush that let you nebulize on the skin oxygen together with specific natural cosmetics, oxygen facial machine is absolutely the smallest effective [...]

The post Oxgen Facial Machine Hyperbaric Spray Oxygen Facial Mask Dome Therapy Moisturizing Skin Rejuvenation SPA Beauty Equipment appeared first on World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology.


Price: 96.88 - 828.32


Oxygen facial machine is used for oxygen facials and body treatments. It is compact and portable, it hosts a powerful oxygen concentrator, able to deliver 96% pure oxygen. It comes with airbrush that let you nebulize on the skin oxygen together with specific natural cosmetics, oxygen facial machine is absolutely the smallest effective oxygen jet machine for oxygen facials and oxygen body treatments! Our oxygen injections are non-invasive treatments for fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone and acne. The system provided by antioxidants, amino acids and serum of nano water molecules, through oxygen to moisturize the skin, and immediately to the skin filling water, make the skin look younger, feel more young.

7 Colors LED therapy

(1)Red light 605-700nm Anti-winkle mode

Promote collagen production, whiten pale spot, tender skin, anti-winkle, repair damaged skin, smooth the fine wrinkles.

(2) Green light 500-560nm Balance Skin model

Effective in neutralizing, balancing and calming skin. It can reduce skin oil secretion and balance the water and oil of your skin.

(3) Blue light 450-480nm Acne Eraser mode

Suppress inflammation, effectively remove acne and reduce pigmentation to even tone.

(4) Yellow light 560–580nm Increases immunity

Improve the exchange of oxygen and cells, replenish energy to skin cells, decompose pigment and improve dead skin cells.

(5) Purple light 400-435nm (blue + red light)

Combine the effect of red and blue light, which is specially used for repairing and healing acne scar.

(6) Cyan light 560-580nm (blue +green light )

(7) White light 480-490nm (green +blue +red light )

Tighten sagging skin It can penetrate the skin, accelerate the metabolism of active tissue, decompose stain and improve sagging skin.

The post Oxgen Facial Machine Hyperbaric Spray Oxygen Facial Mask Dome Therapy Moisturizing Skin Rejuvenation SPA Beauty Equipment appeared first on World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology.

]]> 0 11176
HOOLOO CT30Cu Small Home Brewing Distiller 220V/110V Household Brewer Machine Rectification Brewing Equipment Whiskey Brandy Rum Wed, 15 Nov 2023 19:39:36 +0000 Price: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION HOOLOO CT30Cu Distiller,suitable for home use and small workshops, unique glass tower structure, multi-layer distillation.Self-contained electric heating is controlled by a knob,Pure Copper Crystal,Complete Distillation,Exquisite Brewing Equipment.can be used for gin, whiskey, brandy, vodka, rum and hydrosol and essential oil production. Encounter Hooloo and enjoy distilling! High-quality spirits Honeycomb style super fast [...]

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Price: 780.00 - 522.60


HOOLOO CT30Cu Distiller,suitable for home use and small workshops, unique glass tower structure, multi-layer distillation.Self-contained electric heating is controlled by a knob,Pure Copper Crystal,Complete Distillation,Exquisite Brewing Equipment.can be used for gin, whiskey, brandy, vodka, rum and hydrosol and essential oil production.

Encounter Hooloo and enjoy distilling!

  • High-quality spirits

  • Honeycomb style super fast cooling

  • Easy to Operate

  • Durable & Tight Seal

  • Versatile Application


The company created its own "HOOLOO" brand, registered the US trademark of the HOOLOO brand, and passed ISO9001, ISO14001, CE, FCC certification. At present, it mainly produces and assembles small and medium-sized distillation equipment (including brewing equipment, pure dew essential oil equipment, etc.). The company's team has strong product research and development capabilities and professional service capabilities. New products are launched irregularly every month. Many products have design patents and invention patents.

The company's products are mainly for three types of customers: domestic and foreign brewing users, pure dew essential oil lovers, and disinfectant alcohol producers.

Why Choose HOOLOO?
  • Premium Tough Quality

  • Incredibly Low Prices

  • Fast & Secure Delivery

  • 24/7 Attentive Service

1, After receiving and installing it, please make a distillation of distilled water. This operation is used for product sterilization and testing, and is also for familiarity with machine operation.

2, Please clean and dry the distiller after using.
3, Please allow 1-3cm error due to manual measurement. Please make sure you do not mind before you bid.

Key Features
Thick material
CT30Cu Glass Column Copper Lid Distiller,Pure Copper Crystal,Complete Distillation,Exquisite Brewing Equipment.Pure copper canbe combined with sulfide to eliminate sulfide,Quick removalmethanol/alde-hyde,Lock-in fuseloil,The secret ofimproving spiritquality.
Tube condenser
Compared with the coil type condenser, it has better condensation efficiency, four tubes with large condensation area, and can quickly condense distilled spirits.
Convenient Usage
The built-in Celsius and Fahrenheit thermometers can make the distillation more controllable and accurate. The operator can quickly check the temperature while running the still, to ensure a better distillation effect.
Strong Sealing Performance
We use food-grade silicone tubes with greater flexibility to ensure a better seal, and four upgraded sealing buckles and silicone sealing rings make it a tight fit.good sealing,less escaping during distillation and higher efficiency in producing spirits.
Multipurpose Usage
Our stills can be used in different occasions, for the production of gin, whiskey, brandy, vodka, rum and hydrosol and essential oils, suitable for heating methods such as gas stoves, wood fires, electric ceramic stoves, induction cookers, etc.
Pure copper material
Our stills are made of 99.95% pure copper, with thicker bottoms, more product materials, and thicker materials.
  • Name: CT30Cu Distiller

  • Material: 304L Stainless Steel and 99.95%CU Pure Copper

  • Capacity: 30L

  • Testing and certification: ISO9001/ISO14001/FCC/CE

  • Size:45x32x104cm

  • Way to heat up:Gas stove/firewood/electric ceramics/induction cooker, etc.

Free gift
  • 1 x Foldable steam tray

  • 1 x Cooling pipe

  • 1 x Globe valve

  • 1 x Water fitting

  • 1 x Sponge wipe

  • 1 x Cotton mesh bag

  • 1 x Spare sealing ring

  • 1 x Silicon tubeX0.5 meter

Please Note:

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The post HOOLOO CT30Cu Small Home Brewing Distiller 220V/110V Household Brewer Machine Rectification Brewing Equipment Whiskey Brandy Rum appeared first on World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology.

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Japan Thickened SK5 Steel Branch Scissors Garden Scissors Pruning Fruit Trees Gardening Tools and Equipment Wed, 15 Nov 2023 15:09:32 +0000 Price:

The post Japan Thickened SK5 Steel Branch Scissors Garden Scissors Pruning Fruit Trees Gardening Tools and Equipment appeared first on World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology.


Price: 16.41 - 2.55

The post Japan Thickened SK5 Steel Branch Scissors Garden Scissors Pruning Fruit Trees Gardening Tools and Equipment appeared first on World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology.

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Lithium battery brushless motor Orthopedic Multifunctional Electric Drill Saw veterinary orthopedic equipment power tools Sun, 12 Nov 2023 21:42:19 +0000 Price:

The post Lithium battery brushless motor Orthopedic Multifunctional Electric Drill Saw veterinary orthopedic equipment power tools appeared first on World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology.


Price: 1,580.00

The post Lithium battery brushless motor Orthopedic Multifunctional Electric Drill Saw veterinary orthopedic equipment power tools appeared first on World News: Entertainment, lifestyle, Health, Technology.

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