Francis Van-Lare, the father-in-law of the late US-based Nigerian doctor, Dr. Ikenna Erinne, has accused him of domestic abuse and fraud while labelling him a deadbeat dad.
This accusation came amidst the backlash trailing the Van-Lare family following the doctor’s tragic death revolving around child support.
In a series of Facebook posts, Francis slammed his late son-in-law with allegations of evading child support. According to him, the late cardiologist created different systems to hide his income and avoid paying child support.
The father-in-law blamed the late Dr. Ikenna Erinne for cowardly taking his life to avoid the responsibilities of their two children while sharing proof of alleged domestic violence.
Why late Dr. Ikenna Erinne was sued
“Facts of the Matter. He refused to financially support his two children . Instead chose to be getting licenses from different states and be working there to avoid paying support in the state of Maryland where he is domiciled.
Once a support case is brought against him in one state he will quit his job and run to another state to avoid payment of support. Why was he working from state to state? He formed different LLCs in different states for his income to be paid to registered businesses to avoid detection of his income.
Which Cardiologist gets licenses from multiple states and leave his special needs son alone and not emotionally available for him and not even contribute to his expenses? You may have issues with the mother not innocent children.
Finally he decided to return to the state of Maryland and he voluntarily stopped working to show zero income all just to avoid support. He thought he is smart and had all figured out. Investigators found his hidden money and the court asked him to pay support not close to the alleged $15,000 bloggers are talking about.
Instead of him to man up and get a job to support his special needs son , he chose to go and threaten them with a gun and chose the cowardly way out to avoid support.
No one should come and blame my daughter for the decision an adult made to end his life. I will call a spade a spade, he failed his children, his parents and family. Suicide is not the answer.
“Any blogger especially Amanda Chisom writing rubbish I will focus on her and give her something to worry about and she will know to stay in her lane.
People should be accountable to their actions.”

Francis Van-Lare accuses the late Dr. Erinne of domestic abuse, deadbeat
“Liars everywhere. He killed himself to avoid paying $1,900.00 monthly which he pays partially sometimes. He was not asked to pay $15,000 a month as alleged. Dead beat dad!
“Go to the state of Maryland Court circuit and check numerous restraining orders . Quiet and peaceful guy my foot. Any more rubbish talk about my family more revelations. I am A bull dozer and will bull doze any lying blogger.
Nobody should blame my daughter for the embarrassment he caused everyone.”