An African child, barely four years old expresses disapproval as his mother shows up instead of his dad whom he loves to greet every morning.
A video garnering reactions on social media captured the moment a boy child draws the line with his mother whom he was not expecting to see.
In the series of morning videos combined, the baby radiates happiness when he says good morning to his dad, who seems to be his favourite parent.
Unexpectedly, his mother broke the tradition by showing up instead of his father. The child unapologetically rejected his mother both verbally and with his countenance.
The video has since sparked mixed reactions as many wonder why he sees his mother differently compared to his father.
Reactions as child rejects mother who showed to greet instead of dad
sisiolojuede said: “Daddy 1 -0 Mummy 😂😂😂. Good morning daddy.”
usmanomolara3 opined: “Daddy will have to breastfeed him for the rest of the year 🤣🤣.”
bilimaffy said: “See the excitement, the glow in his eyes and voice 😅😁😍🥰So adorable. ☺️ He couldn’t hide his disappointment first😄… but see how he switched so swiftly after seeing the dad🤩🤩🤩. May God keep the father-son love between them. So heartwarming 🥰🥰🥰.”
scenth_aven added: “It’s the happy dance at the end for me 😊😊😊.”
Watch the video below …